10 thoughts on “The Force To Be Reckoned With

      1. You’re very welcome 🙂
        I’ve been doing much better in myself, thanks 🙂 but physically very up and down. I need some warm weather, I think 🙂
        How about you?

      2. I’ve been staying very busy with work , and the classes I’m taking. I think it’s a blessing and a curse. I feel like I need to keep my mind focused on something, but at the same time there are moments when I feel like my head is going to explode because I’m so sensory overloaded. I’m with you about the warm weather though. We are on target for one of the lightest snowfall years in history, but it’s cold. It was -17 today when I woke up and is now a whopping -2. I would give just about anything for some sun, sand and surf.

  1. OMG what am I worried about!?! The UK would grind to a halt at -17!! I knew Alaska was cold but seeing it written down brings it home just how cold. Cor blimey!
    Keeping busy is good, but I know what you mean about feeling overloaded. It’s so hard to strike a balance (((hugs)))

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